Eco-Friendly Blockchain Technology — AMA Recap with Vanar and Google

Nov 23-2023
Eco-Friendly Blockchain Technology — AMA Recap with Vanar and Google

Recently, we proudly announced a groundbreaking partnership with Google Cloud. In this AMA, we were joined by Vanar CEO Jawad Ashraf and Google Cloud and Web 3 lead engineer Sai Balajee.

Sai Balajee is a key player in the collaboration between Google Cloud and Vanar’s chain. Sai is a customer-facing engineer focused on Web3 and gaming for Google Cloud in Singapore. With four years at Google, Sai’s journey started in the media and entertainment sector, expanding to the Firebase Platforms team. He eventually gravitated toward the creator economy and Web3. Sai specializes in helping Web3 platforms leverage the full potential of Google Cloud. He expressed excitement about the daily challenges in solving complex technical problems across various sectors like finance, gaming, and media within the Web3 and crypto space. Sai’s passion lies in the democratization of technology and platforms, with a belief that decentralization was a crucial step in the right direction.

A New Partnership

This collaboration between Vanar and Google is especially noteworthy due to Google’s distinct approach in the industry, setting them apart from other providers worldwide. At the core of our excitement lies the resolution of a prevalent issue within the industry — environmental sustainability. Too often, discussions about going green seem to be mere lip service, with companies making token gestures like planting a tree or dedicating a small portion of their blockchain to eco-friendly solutions. This discussion dived into this more

The Conversation

Vanar CEO Jawad highlighted that the significance of genuine environmental consciousness could not be overstated.

  1. “It goes beyond a fleeting narrative or a temporary commitment that dissipated when attention shifted to the next big issue. Environmental responsibility is not just a talking point; it is a crucial aspect of our ethos. This commitment is driven not only by the present but also by the future, acknowledging its importance for generations to come. We firmly believe that addressing such global challenges required a proactive and responsible approach, one step at a time.
  2. Having engaged with various entities, from comic book companies to large corporations, we witnessed a spectrum of attitudes toward green initiatives in the blockchain space. The disparity in mindset was evident, with some genuinely caring about the environmental impact, while others merely saw it as a checkbox in the latest consumer narrative. This partnership with Google Cloud reflects our dedication to a conscientious and thoughtful approach, recognizing that true change requires more than rhetoric — it demands tangible, responsible actions.
  3. In our collaborations with environmentally conscious brands, we witnessed a genuine commitment to green practices extending beyond technology. These forward-thinking companies were actively examining various facets of their supply chains, striving for carbon neutrality. The global trend towards environmental responsibility was evident, driven not only by ethical considerations but increasingly by government regulations. Countries like China have implemented stringent carbon emissions plans and legislations, tightening restrictions on carbon footprints.
  4. A notable example of proactive environmental efforts came from Google. They have expanded their data centers globally, with a growing portion now exclusively powered by renewable energy — a tangible step beyond mere lip service. The innovative methods they employ include precise measurement of energy usage within the blockchain, offering real-world insights into the carbon balance, CPU utilization, and overall infrastructure consumption. This meticulous approach aligns with our philosophy in developing Vainer, where understanding and measuring the power output of all system components, including oracles and dApps, are fundamental.
  5. As we progress, accountability for energy consumption will become a critical aspect for companies and brands. Vanar, at its core, is designed to be a fundamentally carbon-neutral blockchain. However, we go a step further by urging brands to not just be neutral but to actively contribute to the environment. This involves calculating the power usage that would have occurred without the support of Google’s renewable energy initiatives and encouraging brands to pay that amount as a carbon credit. The goal is not merely carbon neutrality but a positive impact, especially as we consider the future generation inheriting Web3. We, as a company and a global community, recognize the deep environmental impact and advocate for active contributions beyond mere neutrality.”

Jawad acknowledged the significant resources that large tech players were dedicating to Web3 and AI, emphasizing the pivotal partnership of Web3 and AI as the future of technology. He commended Google’s innovative and expansive focus on Web3, highlighting the company’s commitment to pushing boundaries and actively contributing to the Web3 ecosystem.

The discussion then delved into the unique collaboration between Vanar’s chain and Google Cloud. Jawad emphasized Google’s playful, inventive ethos underpinned by social responsibility, distinguishing it from other corporate brands. The collaboration focuses on leveraging Google’s cloud infrastructure, with a keen eye on overcoming challenges such as latency in Web3. Importantly, Google’s infrastructure, with a growing number of data centers running on renewable energy, aligns with Vanar’s commitment to a carbon-neutral blockchain.

  1. “The partnership aims to ensure that every aspect of Vanar’s blockchain, from routing to latency to data center operations, is measurable and carbon-neutral. This comprehensive approach sets the Vanar chain apart, emphasizing a commitment beyond PR cycles — a genuine effort to make the blockchain not just carbon-neutral but environmentally impactful.”

Sai then explained how Google Cloud’s technology empowers Vanar’s chain and highlighted the unique aspects of this partnership in the industry. Sai shared valuable insights into Google’s longstanding commitment to sustainability, emphasizing the company’s carbon-neutral status since 2007 and their pledge to run all data centers on carbon-free energy by 2030. He saw a powerful synergy between Google’s sustainability commitment and the inherent advantages of blockchain, creating a unique opportunity for Vanar. What excited him most was the prospect of Vanars entire network being powered by Google Cloud, utilizing specific tools for carbon measurement, reporting, and reduction — a novel approach for Google.

Jawad elaborated on Vanar’s eco-centric Blockchain initiatives, emphasizing a pragmatic understanding that the entire crypto landscape couldn’t transition overnight. The partnership aimed to cluster traffic, directing specific brands onto Google Cloud infrastructure while allowing others to maintain their infrastructure preferences. The goal was to make Google Cloud an attractive option rather than an exclusionary mandate. The vision was to enable even small players to access reliable, renewable energy infrastructure when they decided to run parts of their projects on Google Cloud.

The discussion shifted to Vanar utilising Google underwater networks — aligning with Google Cloud’s infrastructure for enhanced carbon neutrality. Jawad deferred to Sai, who explained Google’s vast investment in undersea cables and network infrastructure, forming a parallel network to the internet. He introduced the CarbonSense Suite, a tool for managing local carbon emissions, ensuring Vanar’s carbon footprint was tracked on a server-to-server basis. Sai also mentioned Active Assist, an AI tool for making eco-friendly tech recommendations, and the Low Carbon Region Picker, ensuring new blockchain nodes were provisioned in regions with the lowest carbon footprint.

  1. “In summary, the collaboration between Vanar’s chain and Google Cloud stands out for its holistic approach to sustainability, combining Google’s long-term commitment to environmental responsibility with Vanar’s vision for a carbon-neutral blockchain. The partnership not only focuses on running on renewable energy but to also incorporate tools and strategies for effective carbon measurement, reporting, and reduction, showcasing a commitment to real-world impact in the crypto space.”

In this segment, Jawad discussed the technical advantages of Vanar Chain, emphasizing reduced transaction times through optimized routing and decreased latency provided by Google Cloud’s underwater network. He highlighted the importance of having a global-scale commercial blockchain that not only catered to industry brands but also gained government engagement. Jawad envisioned Vanar Chain evolving from a global entertainment blockchain to a platform with broader government applications.

Sai expanded on the unique aspects of Vanar Chain, emphasizing its conscious introduction of sustainability as a fourth dimension alongside the trilemma of decentralization, security, and scalability. He commended the collaboration’s use of AI-driven, automated tools to actively monitor, report, and reduce carbon footprints.

The discussion then shifted to the alignment of Vanar Chain’s initiatives with corporate governance, ESG and sustainability trends. Jawad stressed the importance of compliance with government legislation, appealing to corporate responsibility, and meeting the expectations of the growing millennial consumer base. He envisioned a future where sustainability became a non-negotiable aspect for global brands.

Finally, the conversation explored the key benefits for companies engaging with Vanar Chain. Jawad highlighted the incorporation of advanced AI technology throughout Vanar’s infrastructure, providing a one-stop-shop solution for brands. He mentioned the optimization of applications through AI and the abstraction of complex blockchain components, making it user-friendly for brands with minimal crypto knowledge. The benefits include not only a green and sustainable blockchain but also AI-driven technology, smart solutions, and a cost-effective model for brands entering the blockchain space.

Sai discussed the increasing importance of sustainability in the global narrative and how adopting blockchain aligned with green accountability could positively affect a brand’s reputation. He cited studies that showed faster growth for sustainable products and increased interest in working for companies with strong environmental policies.

Jawad emphasized that consumers, especially the newer generations, prioritized experiences and the positive impact on the planet. He emphasized the shift in consumer mentality toward sustainability and environmental responsibility, highlighting the intangible aspects of life that newer generations valued.

Sai discussed the challenges in the widespread adoption of blockchain solutions, and provided insights into the need to dispel the myth that blockchain was solely about cryptocurrencies. He discussed Google’s commitment to Web3, investing in engineering and go-to-market resources to support the development of blockchain solutions. Sai also mentioned Google’s focus on developing first-party Web3 products, such as the Blockchain Node Engine, to provide a seamless experience for developers.

Jawad was asked about about upcoming features or projects in Vanar Chain’s pipeline that businesses and consumers could look forward to. While Jawad couldn’t reveal specific details, he hinted at exciting announcements and collaborations with Google, emphasizing that the developments went beyond infrastructure and would include consumer-facing features and projects. He expressed enthusiasm about the forthcoming advancements in immersion experiences and other consumer-focused innovations.

Jawad provided information on how interested parties could get involved or support Vanar Chain’s initiatives. He encouraged reaching out through various social channels, highlighting that Vanar Chain was working to build ecosystems and expand its reach globally. He added that more information could be found on the Vanar Chain website, and Sai expressed his excitement about the ongoing collaboration and innovation. The conversation ended on a positive note, with thanks exchanged between the participants.

You can listen to the audio of the full AMA here

About Author

Rubiya Naveed

Rubiya is a seasoned content writer at Vanar, a pioneering Layer 1 blockchain company. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies and industries, Rubiya brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to her role. At Vanar, she specializes in crafting insightful and engaging blockchain blogs, helping to demystify the complexities of blockchain technology for a diverse audience. Her expertise extends beyond the technical aspects, weaving in creativity to make the content not only informative but also compelling.