Web3 For Billions Of Consumers

The flat fee, lightning fast chain, made for mainstream mass adoption.


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Join one of the fastest growing ecosystems in Web3

On-Chain Transactions


Fixed Cost Per Transaction

Create the best apps for mainstream usage

Fixed, low fee

Vanar's commitment to low transaction fees, with costs as low as $0.0005 per transaction, ensures that dApps built on the platform can offer cost-effective solutions to end-users. This is particularly critical for microtransactions and applications that require feeless experiences. Learn more about the benefits and rationale behind fixed transaction fee.


The platform's exceptional speed allows for real-time transaction processing, an essential feature for applications that demand instantaneous interactions, like gaming and payment gateways.


Vanar is designed to handle a high volume of transactions, making it well-suited for large-scale mainstream use cases with substantial demands, such as gaming and payment gateways. With the capability to process thousands of transactions per second, it ensures a smooth and responsive user experience, even during peak usage.

energy efficient

At Vanar Chain, our core mission is centered around green energy. We firmly believe that the future of blockchain should be sustainable, with minimal environmental impact, while retaining its power to transform industries and empower individuals.

Designed for excellent use cases & mass adoption

Vanar offers a suite of solutions for brands built on years of experience. From new engagement experiences to AI-driven IP tracking, Vanar provides modules that can create compelling customer journeys.

Dive into boundless gaming possibilities with Vanar—unlock new economies, scale your game into web3, experience seamless transactions, cost-efficiency, and comprehensive solutions.

Elevate your next-gen dApps with our revolutionary AI service! Powered by advanced machine learning and blockchain, we offer unmatched security and speed. Learn more about how you can transform industries.

Introducing your customer base to the exciting world of Web3 has never been easier! With Vanar's Shopify integrations, metaverse, marketplaces, and authentication tools, retailers can seamlessly transition into web3.

Take advantage of the latest VR, AR, and AI technologies including Meta Quest, Apple Vision, and PC headsets with Vanar! Developers who want to be at the forefront of the metaverse revolution can now unleash their creativity.

Building together for growth

Join the growing ecosystem of developers, artists and creators using Vanar.

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